Try out Guided Training for your Teams PlayStreams guide your process made up of content, messaging that drives outcomes through micro-training, powered by an AI recommendation engine


  • Win-Win by Sales Mastery Train your teams how to build a mutually beneficial relationship

    In this PlayStream learn what Win-Win means and what the effect of not having a Win-Win relationship is. You will also learn what the rules for a Win-Win relationship are as well as how to operationalize the Win-Win methodology.
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  • Up sell/Cross sell by Sales MasteryTrain your team in how to introduce and convert new products and services using AI

    In this PlayStream you’ll learn how important AI can be in driving how and with what products your company should expand its sales targets. Utilizing a case study you’ll see how AI can drive uplift to almost 4x in a year.
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  • Perfect Prospecting Profile by Sales MasteryLearn how to prioritize your sales target list using customer definitions that best fit your company’s offering

    In this PlayStream you’ll learn what drives optimal decisions in creating targeted sales prospects using demographics and psychographics. After learning the basic concepts you’ll be taken through a workbook training session to guide you to best results.
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